Full Dentures and FiBER FORCE® Technology:
Assured Strength
We start considering full dentures when there is a complete loss of the upper teeth, bottom teeth or both. The full denture not only replaces your natural teeth, it also compensates for bone loss.
Full Upper Dentures
Full upper dentures rarely cause any problems. They are more comfortable because of the palate. Upper dentures stay in place by suction. Of course, they are not fixed in place and in some situations they can move or even become dislodged. That being said, the adaptation process is usually smooth.
Full Lower Dentures
Full lower dentures are much more difficult. They cannot work by suction, unlike the upper ones. They are held in place by gravity. They can easily become dislodged with the tongue. They are harder to adapt to and often require more adjustments.
FiBER FORCE® is a fibreglass reinforcing system to increase the strength of the denture. The fibres are moulded according to the patient’s impression and are inserted inside the acrylic. These fibres are not visible from the outside. They are visible on the inside, in the light. They are very discreet and improve the durability of dentures, reducing the risk of breakage.
This technology is offered to patients who want it, and is manufactured on site. For more information, you can check out http://www.synca.com/
Ultra Suction™
Ultra Suction™ is a system designed to maintain the upper and lower dentures in place using a system including an air chamber and valves. During chewing, the air is expelled via the valves, creating a suction effect. Patients who find that their dentures do not stay in place are good candidates for this system. Please note that this system requires daily cleaning and that the ring must be replaced each year.
Steps to Creating Dentures
When making full dentures, we work from two impressions. The first provides an overview of the size of the mouth and the muscles attached to it. Based on this model, called a ‘primary’ impression, a custom impression tray will be created. This new tray will better fit the size of your mouth and will provide a much more precise result, which we will use to determine the length, thickness and contour size of the future dentures.
We then take a measurement of the joint. We determine the length of the upper and lower teeth as well as the relationship between the two. The teeth must fit together and slide against one another easily in order to permit the best chewing experience. Based on these measurements, the teeth will be carefully set one by one, taking into account the patient’s anatomy and preferences.
A fitting is required to complete the job. This allows the denturist to check her work, but at the same time, this appointment allows the patient a glimpse of the results. During this visit, it is easy to make changes to the positioning of the teeth on the denture. With the patient’s approval, the dentures will then be completed permanently.
That being said, the work is not finished when the dentures are completed. The patient has to undergo an adjustment period. During chewing, some areas of the mouth may be sensitive, even painful. The denture must be meticulously adjusted at any sensitive areas. Other discomforts can also arise, and the patient must notify the denturist, who can then examine and adjust the dentures so that everything works properly.
Most full dentures are made out of acrylic. Acrylic is a material that provides comfort and is aesthetically pleasing. However, it is not unbreakable. In some patients, breakage can be frequent. If this is your case, there are two possible solutions. Dentures can be strengthened using FiBER FORCE® technology or with a cast metal structure. This should be discussed during the consultation so you can choose the solution that best fits your needs.